1,838 research outputs found

    Homogeneous Spiking Neuromorphic System for Real-World Pattern Recognition

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    A neuromorphic chip that combines CMOS analog spiking neurons and memristive synapses offers a promising solution to brain-inspired computing, as it can provide massive neural network parallelism and density. Previous hybrid analog CMOS-memristor approaches required extensive CMOS circuitry for training, and thus eliminated most of the density advantages gained by the adoption of memristor synapses. Further, they used different waveforms for pre and post-synaptic spikes that added undesirable circuit overhead. Here we describe a hardware architecture that can feature a large number of memristor synapses to learn real-world patterns. We present a versatile CMOS neuron that combines integrate-and-fire behavior, drives passive memristors and implements competitive learning in a compact circuit module, and enables in-situ plasticity in the memristor synapses. We demonstrate handwritten-digits recognition using the proposed architecture using transistor-level circuit simulations. As the described neuromorphic architecture is homogeneous, it realizes a fundamental building block for large-scale energy-efficient brain-inspired silicon chips that could lead to next-generation cognitive computing.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol 5, no. 2, June 201

    A CMOS Spiking Neuron for Dense Memristor-Synapse Connectivity for Brain-Inspired Computing

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    Neuromorphic systems that densely integrate CMOS spiking neurons and nano-scale memristor synapses open a new avenue of brain-inspired computing. Existing silicon neurons have molded neural biophysical dynamics but are incompatible with memristor synapses, or used extra training circuitry thus eliminating much of the density advantages gained by using memristors, or were energy inefficient. Here we describe a novel CMOS spiking leaky integrate-and-fire neuron circuit. Building on a reconfigurable architecture with a single opamp, the described neuron accommodates a large number of memristor synapses, and enables online spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning with optimized power consumption. Simulation results of an 180nm CMOS design showed 97% power efficiency metric when realizing STDP learning in 10,000 memristor synapses with a nominal 1M{\Omega} memristance, and only 13{\mu}A current consumption when integrating input spikes. Therefore, the described CMOS neuron contributes a generalized building block for large-scale brain-inspired neuromorphic systems.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 201

    Analog Spiking Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems for Brain- and Nanotechnology-Inspired Cognitive Computing

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    Human society is now facing grand challenges to satisfy the growing demand for computing power, at the same time, sustain energy consumption. By the end of CMOS technology scaling, innovations are required to tackle the challenges in a radically different way. Inspired by the emerging understanding of the computing occurring in a brain and nanotechnology-enabled biological plausible synaptic plasticity, neuromorphic computing architectures are being investigated. Such a neuromorphic chip that combines CMOS analog spiking neurons and nanoscale resistive random-access memory (RRAM) using as electronics synapses can provide massive neural network parallelism, high density and online learning capability, and hence, paves the path towards a promising solution to future energy-efficient real-time computing systems. However, existing silicon neuron approaches are designed to faithfully reproduce biological neuron dynamics, and hence they are incompatible with the RRAM synapses, or require extensive peripheral circuitry to modulate a synapse, and are thus deficient in learning capability. As a result, they eliminate most of the density advantages gained by the adoption of nanoscale devices, and fail to realize a functional computing system. This dissertation describes novel hardware architectures and neuron circuit designs that synergistically assemble the fundamental and significant elements for brain-inspired computing. Versatile CMOS spiking neurons that combine integrate-and-fire, passive dense RRAM synapses drive capability, dynamic biasing for adaptive power consumption, in situ spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) and competitive learning in compact integrated circuit modules are presented. Real-world pattern learning and recognition tasks using the proposed architecture were demonstrated with circuit-level simulations. A test chip was implemented and fabricated to verify the proposed CMOS neuron and hardware architecture, and the subsequent chip measurement results successfully proved the idea. The work described in this dissertation realizes a key building block for large-scale integration of spiking neural network hardware, and then, serves as a step-stone for the building of next-generation energy-efficient brain-inspired cognitive computing systems

    Analyzing XOR-Forrelation Through Stochastic Calculus

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    In this note we present a simplified analysis of the quantum and classical complexity of the k-XOR Forrelation problem (introduced in the paper of Girish, Raz and Zhan [Uma Girish et al., 2020]) by a stochastic interpretation of the Forrelation distribution

    A CMOS Spiking Neuron for Brain-Inspired Neural Networks with Resistive Synapses and In-Situ Learning

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    Nanoscale resistive memories are expected to fuel dense integration of electronic synapses for large-scale neuromorphic system. To realize such a brain-inspired computing chip, a compact CMOS spiking neuron that performs in-situ learning and computing while driving a large number of resistive synapses is desired. This work presents a novel leaky integrate-and-fire neuron design which implements the dual-mode operation of current integration and synaptic drive, with a single opamp and enables in-situ learning with crossbar resistive synapses. The proposed design was implemented in a 0.18 μ\mum CMOS technology. Measurements show neuron's ability to drive a thousand resistive synapses, and demonstrate an in-situ associative learning. The neuron circuit occupies a small area of 0.01 mm2^2 and has an energy-efficiency of 9.3 pJ//spike//synapse
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